Ben Messick Photography

Protecting National Parks

Hiking Permits. Car Reservations. Additional Fees. Every year it seems the Government is coming up with new ways to limit citizen’s access to our natural treasures. I understand surging popularity is creating problems, but is inventing new ways to keep people away the only answer? It doesn’t seem that an equal effort is being put into increasing the capacity. What about paving more trails? What about aerial trams? Adding trails? Adding roads? I don’t know what the right answers are, but an equal effort should be given to creating capacity as keeping people out. #EndRant

I took this photograph last week near the Crescent Moon Picnic Site in Sedona, Arizona. I used a Nikon Z5 camera using a NIKKOR Z 24-70mm ƒ/3.2 S lens (1.6 sec at ƒ/22, ISO 100, 38mm, Neutral Density Filter). I edited the image in Adobe Lightroom.

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